43 days until graduation.
April (and spring) have sprung and the weather is finally nice down here at St. Mary's. As I write this from the library, I can see the sun shining over the river, hear the birds chirping in the trees, and watch a band of hippie-wannabee freshmen guys playing frisbee golf. Meanwhile, I should be finishing the last three chapters of my SMP, but with such wonderful weather, who could possibly work?
Life is progressing as normal. This week has been relatively hectic as I've been quite ill for the past few days. Yesterday, Amnesty International, the club that I am VP of, held its letter-writing campaigning to various US Senators in the hopes of getting them to support the Congo Conflict Minerals Act of 2009 (For more information, see: http://www.raisehopeforcongo.org/special-page/take-action-congo). We bought 8 large pizzas from Domino's and sat outside on the campus center patio recruiting students to write to their senators. Afterward, it was off to Bruce Riedel's lecture on the war in Afghanistan, which was incredibly enlightening. So fascinating, in fact, that I hope to attend the Patuxent Defense Forum's conference on a similar topic that will be held at SMCM in mid-April. Of course, this is one of about a thousand things that I hope to accomplish this month. Whether or not this actually gets done remains yet to be seen.
In other news, I've picked a title for my SMP. My presentation of 'Living Truths in Dying Times: A Social Examination of Plague in Early Modern England' will be given at Kent Hall on Monday, May 3, 2010. I have a feeling that I am going to have to bake cookies or other baked goods in order to bribe people to attend, but I am not above that. At the very least, my parents have agreed to come, as has my wonderful boyfriend. This is a good enough number for me, however, and I will be satisfied if they are the only three people in the room. Compared to graduation, this presentation is unimportant. It is graduation that is the big deal to me. After all, it is the last one that any of my family will be able to attend. It is unlikely that all of them will be able to come to London for my MA graduation in September 2011.
Goals for this weekend:
1. Finish SMP
2. Run lots (I'm entering a 5k/10k (haven't decided which I'll do yet) in leonardtown on the 17th)
3. FINISH SMP! (So important!)
4. Work Sat 1-5:30, Sun 11:30-5:15 at Campus Store
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