30 September 2008

As it is 1146pm and I am incredibly tired, this blog post will have to take the form of a numbered list (my favourite). As soon as I get back from Valencia on Sunday, I will once again resume paragraph form. However, laziness overcomes any sense of literary decorum at the moment and so...

Wed. 24th September: We took our field trip to Warwick Castle. Once owned by the Dudley family, it now is in the hands of Madame Tussaud's and is very Disney-esque. It has wax figures that move (somewhat) and the oddest assortment of exhibitions. I really wanted to go into the Ghost Tour but decided against it as it required an extra ticket. I climbed all of the towers and walked the ramparts of the castle, which provided an extraordinary view of the surrounding countryside. It was absolutely amazing.

Sat. 27th September: After spending the day doing work and browsing around Primark, I went clubbing with Brad and Elysa. It was a bit of a letdown (however, I can't complain too much, as I did get in free), but this was made up for by the presence of two men dressed as a cowboy and Uncle Sam respectively. Quite interesting. I think the entire night can be summed up in two words: freak side.

Sun. 28th September: More homework and reading. The highlights of the day were picnicking in Christ Church meadow with Elysa, Becky, Christian, and Karen; eating at an italian restaurant with Christian, Elysa, and Adam; and going with a large group to pub quiz at Far From the Madding Crowd. It was a tough week for us Americans, and we filled the bottom two spots. However, the winning score itself was quite low, which meant that everyone in the pub was having a rather tough time of it. I also tried cider (Spartan's) for the first time. Delicious.

Today: After receiving a wonderful package from my parents bearing all sorts of amazing delights, I had colloquium in which we discussed Anselm's Proslogion. After dinner, I went running with my roommate, Becca, and Elise. Immediately following this was pub quiz at the Turf Tavern, where Bill Clinton allegedly 'did not inhale' during his time at Oxford in the 60s. Yeah right. We came in 9th out of 16th, which is not too terribly bad considering that it was a different format from what we are used to.

A few pictures are up on flickr. I hope to add the 400 or so that are currently on my camera before my trip to Valencia this weekend. Fiona and I are leaving Oxford for London at 1AM on Friday morning in order to meet Alex and Garrett in Valencia by noon. It should prove to be quite interesting as I am the unofficial 'translator' for this trip (meaning that I have the most Spanish). So...yeah.

Also, I have been receiving requests for my address.

It is:

Rebecca Kaisler
St. Michael's Hall
Shoe Lane
Oxford OX1 2DP

I like mail.

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