There are 68 days left until I leave for Oxford.
It is incredibly strange to write those words as, for the past three years, this trip has loomed in the distance. Even now, I still don't believe that it's actually happening, not really. I keep thinking 'if I go to Oxford' instead of 'when I go.' For the most part, I knew that I would get in. I mean, looking at some of the people who went last semester, it was pretty obvious. But there was always a part of me that doubted... However, this entire thing is becoming increasingly real as I make the final preparations to go. I still need to get the visa ($200 just to stay in the UK. It's madness!), new glasses, and what not. Oh, and I suppose I have to find someplace to stay during the winter holiday. Yeah, that might be something to start looking in to. I mean, I already know of two places to stay, unfortunately both places would be extremely awkward. Oh well. I'll think of something.
I've had to refrain from looking at pictures or thinking too deeply about my year abroad, since the mere thought of traveling is almost painful. It has been almost three years since I last went. Three incredibly long, tedious years. I mean, I have no idea what I did before I went to London in 2003. That was the start of this...disease. After I found out that the outside world was much more exciting than Laurel, Maryland, I realized that there was no way I would be able to stay here for very long. Back in high school, I woul have a countdown going starting in December after we had gotten back from our last trip and going until the next November when we left again. The last few weeks of school were always the worst. The moment we stepped foot at BWI, it was like I could breathe again.
Judging from these past experiences, I fully believe that August is going to be a hellish month. The countdown from 30 days will be absolutely unreal. My brother will probably step up his campaign to have my parents simply leave me in Europe without a return ticket. His latest ambition is to become president one day. It was only the other day when he marched into our kitchen after having spent the past four or five hours in his bedroom fixing computers and proclaimed, "It's a bad day for America, my friends. Why? One word: outsourcing. These days, they are outsourcing everything to do it cheaper, more efficiently. I knew this outsourcing craze had become absolutely out of control when my parents decided to outsource the responsibility of having a daughter by sending her to Europe." Oh, John. However, even he will be bearable towards the end.
I suppose that my excitement would be better curbed if I had something to occupy my time. However, I've yet to find a job and my internship for ATHGO at the World Bank Headquarters only lasts a week. Still, I have about 600 pages of reading before the internship starts in two weeks time, so I guess that will provide at least some distraction.
Listening to: 'Come Alive' by Foo Fighters
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